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Jail Classification System Development Document: Objective Jail Classification System User's Manual

NCJ Number
J Austin; S C Baird; A J Bakke; D K McCarthy; P A Steele; R A Buchanan; K L Whitlow
Date Published
42 pages
This document serves as a user's manual for an objective jail classification system which strives to base classification decisionmaking on objective measures of behavior.
Unlike previous approaches to inmate classification, objective classification relies on a narrow set of well-defined legal characteristics (e.g., severity of current charge, prior convictions, and prior incarcerations) to guide decisionmaking. These characteristics are incorporated into a standardized form or checklist that is used by staff to assess each inmate's custody and programming needs. The objective classification system has five components: (1) inmate screening form; (2) initial custody assessment scale; (3) custody reassessment scale; (4) initial inmate needs assessment form; and (5) inmate needs reassessment form. Because jails differ widely in their operational philosophies and inmate management approaches, modification options are included in the system. A jail implementing this system should monitor it closely because the system as adopted may not adequately meet the jail's needs, and as the jail's needs may alter, the system may not be responding to these changes.

