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Gazette: A Royal Canadian Mounted Police Publication, Volume 76, No. 1, 2014

NCJ Number
RCMP Gazette Volume: 76 Issue: 1 Dated: 2014 Pages: 1-34
Katherine Aldred
Date Published
34 pages
This issue of the "RCMP Gazette," a publication of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, contains a number of feature articles that address how police can be more effective in responding to various types of situations that pose a high risk for dangerous escalation.
"Let's Talk" outlines the principles for negotiating with armed, barricaded hostage-takers. As suggested by the article's title, the emphasis is on "active listening," which involves repeating back to the hostage-taker what he has just said to the negotiator. This builds rapport with the hostage-taker and creates a conversational interaction that has the potential to influence the hostage-taker's behavior. "Listening More and Talking Less" is a second article that continues the theme of "active listening" in the context of "tweets" about committing suicide. This article describes the work of Real Time Crisis Intervention in Canada, which has the expertise to assist persons in distress. Under this program, police officers cooperate with nurses and the Twitter support team to locate users with IP data in life-and-death emergencies in which imminent medical intervention is needed. "Open Dialogue" Sweden's approach to policing protests, the innovative aspect of the Stockholm Police Department's approach to protests is the assignment of some officers to be dialogue police officers. These officers act as mediators or liaisons between the police agency and the protesters for the purpose of avoiding violence by either the police or the protesters. "Fake Users Reap Real Gains" describes a research team's investigation into the underground market that specializes in creating bulk Twitter credentials for a fee. Overall, these merchants were responsible for automatically generating 10 to 20 percent of all accounts later flagged by Twitter as spam.