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Discussion Guide for the Thematic Discussion on Violence Against Migrants, Migrant Workers and Their Families

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2012
19 pages
This document from the U.N. Economic and Social Council's Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice presents a guide for the discussion on the theme of violence against migrants, migrant workers, and their families.
These guidelines were proposed for use by the U.N. Economic and Social Council's Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice's April 2012 discussion on the theme of "Violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families." The guidelines contain two sections. The first section discusses the purpose of the guidelines and the topics and subthemes for the thematic discussion. The second section centers on issues of discussion dealing with violence against migrants, migrant workers, and their families. These issues include victimization and exploitation; data to enhance understanding of trends, forms, causes, and consequences; crime prevention strategies, measures, mechanisms, and tools; legislative and operational strategies; assistance and protection; and international cooperation, extradition, and mutual legal assistance. In addition, this section presents information on previous discussions of the problem of violence against migrants, migrant workers, and their families; the current international legal framework, political commitments to address the problem, mandates and the work of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime; current challenges; preventative measures and criminal justice responses to the problem; and international cooperation to address this issue and other transnational crimes.