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COPP - Community Oriented Police Patrol

NCJ Number
Date Published
115 pages
The Newport News Police Department (Virginia) plans to implement a 5-year phased changeover from its predominantly fleet pool vehicle program to a predominantly take-home patrol fleet.
This effort, the Community-Oriented Police Patrol (COPP), will ultimately provide 144 vehicles to officers living within the city limits. The estimated cost of the program will be about $350,000. Although this cost is greater than the current vehicle pool approach, it is believed that benefits will outweigh the additional cost. These benefits include enhanced visibility and service, improved vehicle care and reduced maintenance costs, and improved officer job satisfaction. The plan is expected to be fully implemented in fiscal year 1988-89. It is believed that implementation of the COPP program will further contribute to the department's goal of providing efficient and effective service to the community. Appendixes include vehicle replacement and conversion projections, projected individual vehicle assignments, COPP policy and procedure guidelines, program control forms, and formulas and figures of projected costs per mile.