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Conditions of Confinement: Findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement

NCJ Number
Andrea J. Sedlak; Karla S. McPherson
Date Published
May 2010
16 pages
This bulletin presents finding from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement that pertain to confinement conditions for youth in a range of facilities and programs.

The survey findings highlight several areas where confinement conditions do not meet best-practice guidelines and improvements are recommended. The following recommendations are highlighted. First, prioritize developmentally appropriate programming and document its implementation and success. Second, explore factors that might explain disproportionate confinement of minorities. Third, improve understanding of the risks and benefits of mixing different types of offenders versus grouping youth with similar offense histories. Fourth, ensure that youth know the facility fire safety procedures. Fifth, select placement locations that facilitate family contact. Sixth, increase access to legal counsel, particularly before adjudication. Seventh, improve the quality of youth-staff relations, require fair treatment, and establish an effective grievance process. Eighth, implement best-practice guidelines in the use of solitary confinement and last-resort control methods of pepper spray and restraint chairs. Survey findings are presented under the following topics: facility and program characteristics, youth placement with other youth, physical and program environment, access to support, facility climate, and rules and justice. The survey findings are based on interviews with a nationally representative sample of 7,073 youth in custody during spring 2003, using audio computer-assisted self-interview methodology. Facility administrators provide additional information by verifying or updating their answers on the most recent Juvenile Residential Facility Census survey, by completing the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement survey, and by providing information about facility structure and operations. 6 tables, 1 figure, 4 notes, and 32 references