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Comprehensive Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Program as of June 30, 1998

NCJ Number
Elaine Humphrey; William Chapman
Date Published
138 pages
This report describes the goals, operations, and inmates serviced by the Comprehensive Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment (CASAT) Program administered by the New York Department of Correctional Services and established by 1989 legislation that provided for the expansion of existing alcohol and drug treatment programs.
Seven treatment annexes were operating on June 30, 1998 and had inmate populations ranging from 180 to 319. The number of inmates assigned to the Department’s network of CASAT facilities on a daily basis has more than doubled from 786 in fiscal year 1990-91 to approximately 1,745. The total cost of the CASAT annex phase in fiscal year 1997-98 was $6,858,843. A total of 24,468 inmates took part in Phase I of the program from October 1990 through June 30, 1998. Seventy-four percent of the participants successfully completed Phase I and moved to Community Reintegration between April 1991 and June 30, 1998. Eight percent of the 18,109 CASAT participants who entered Phase II Community reintegration by June 30, 1998 were still in Phase II, 52 percent had been removed form Phase II, and 39 percent had been paroled. A relapse program served 3,571 participants who reverted to drug abuse while in community reintegration. Seventy-eight percent of the 7,137 cases who entered Phase III remained under parole supervision for 12 months or longer as of June 30, 1998. The operation of the CASAT program has saved an estimated $183 million since its initiation through the end of 1998. Tables, figures, footnotes, and appended figures and tables