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Children Traumatized in Sex Rings

NCJ Number
A W Burgess; C A Grant
Date Published
54 pages
A sex ring crime involving children is the term used to refer to sexual victimization in which there is at least one adult offender and several children who are aware of each other's participation.
The solo sex ring involves one adult perpetrator and multiple children. A syndicated sex ring involves multiple adults, multiple child victims, and a wide range of exchange items including child pornography and sexual activities. The transition sex ring is one in which children and pornography are exchanged between adults, and money often changes hands. Professionals trained in the medical and nursing treatment of child sexual victimization are often the first professionals to evaluate and treat the child and can serve as witnesses in court proceedings. The primary objective of medical intervention is to obtain a physical examination, a psychological evaluation, and legal evidence for future proceedings. Intervention must be in accordance with four response patterns of traumatized children: pretrauma period, trauma encapsulation period, disclosure of the abuse, and posttrauma outcome. The event drawing series is an effective technique when interviewing children. Drawing results in a graphic presentation of the child's thinking about a specific event. Treatment issues in child sexual trauma are detailed along with legal aspects of sex ring crimes against children. 31 references, 4 tables, and 11 figures