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Child Abuse and Neglect: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention, October 21, 2007

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Dated: (1991) Pages: 5-15
R Y Helfer
Date Published
11 pages
The author looks twenty years ahead and predicts where child protection services and child abuse will be by then. It is written from the perspective that one might have in the year 2007 as one looks back on the process of change since 1987.
The article discusses child protection services as they were in 1987 and lists things that were wrong and ineffective. The basic idea presented is that the 1987 version of child protection services should be dismantled because it is after-the-fact service. The remainder of the paper traces the efforts of a study group over a 20-year period to develop three new service models that emphasize assessment services, preventive services, family intervention services, and staff training and interaction. The conclusion outlines four occurrences: the process of getting underway; events which help programs to succeed; protocol writing and research definition; and implementation. 1 figure, 1 table, and 1 reference


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