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Women and AIDS

NCJ Number
D Richardson
Date Published
183 pages
Drawing upon the latest research as well as interviews with AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) sufferers and caregivers, this book discusses the implications of the AIDS crisis for women, including mothers-to-be, drug users, female health care professionals, and lesbians.
A review of information on the nature of AIDS covers causes, origin, severity, transmission, high-risk groups, symptoms, and treatment. A chapter on AIDS in women, covers intravenous drug users, sexual transmission, the sexual partners of men at risk, prostitutes, rape, African and Haitian women, blood transfusions, pregnancy, and artificial insemination. Detailed guidelines address how women can have safer sex. A chapter on lesbians and AIDS examines how it affects them both personally and politically as health care workers, workers in AIDS projects, friends of AIDS-infected persons, and as targets of homophobia associated with the disease. A discussion of issues to be confronted by women with AIDS encompasses diagnosis, discrimination, isolation, anxiety, depression, and sexuality. Other chapters consider how to care for people with AIDS, policies and prevention, and the challenge of AIDS. 12 references, resource list, glossary, subject index.


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