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LGBTQ Microaggressions and Microaffirmations in Families: Scale Development and Validation Study

NCJ Number
JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY Volume: 67 Issue: 5 Dated: 2020 Pages: 600-619
P. R. Sterzing; R.. E. Gartner
Date Published
20 pages

To address a research gap, the current project designed the LGBTQ Microaggressions and Microaffirmations in Families Scale. 


Subtle experiences of both invalidation and support are common for LGBTQ adolescents within their family systems. LGBTQ microaggressions increase the risk for negative health outcomes, while small acts of support and affirmation can bolster adolescent wellbeing. Research on family-level microaggressions and microaffirmations is limited, due to the absence of a theoretically informed and psychometrically tested measure of these constructs. The current project used a large national sample of LGBTQ adolescents (N = 952, 14–19 years old). The current article reports the (1) process of item generation, (2) descriptives of scale items, (3) scale’s confirmatory factor structure, and (4) indicators of scale reliability and validity. The scale’s four-factor structure was confirmed, while demonstrating good reliability and predictive validity. The scale provides researchers with a psychometrically valid measure to assess the lifetime frequency and correlates of LGBTQ microaggressions and microaffirmations. (publisher abstract modified)