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Development of Online Professional Development for School Resource Officers: Understanding Trauma, Social-Emotional Learning, Restorative Discipline, and Cultural Diversity

NCJ Number
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology Dated: 2020
D. L. Espelage; et al
Date Published

Since most states do not require that school resource officers (SROs) have youth- or school-related training (Morris et al. 2017), the current project addressed these potential gaps in SRO training through the creation of four online professional development modules for SROs.


Each module focuses on one of the following: trauma-informed care; social-emotional learning (SEL); restorative problem-solving; and cultural competence. These modules were iteratively developed by applying established paradigms of curriculum development that included systematic and communicative approaches, adult learning theory principles, and use of the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) Model of Systematic Instructional Design. SROs serve as law enforcers, informal counselors, and educators. It is imperative they be provided the opportunity to build their knowledge and develop applicable skills necessary for these roles and for working with students from all backgrounds. (publisher abstract modified)