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Context of HIV Risk Among Drug Users and Their Sexual Partners

NCJ Number
R J Battjes, Z Sloboda, W C Grace
Date Published
259 pages
Based on an April 1993 technical review meeting sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, this volume presents 18 papers focusing on HIV transmission risk among drug users and their heterosexual and homosexual sexual partners.
The papers focused on AIDS risk behaviors of heterosexual male drug users, including both injecting and noninjecting drug users; HIV risk behaviors among women who use drugs or who are sexual partners of injecting drug users; and HIV risks among homosexual and bisexual male drug users. Some papers focus on adolescent drug users, including adolescents attending schools and homosexual and bisexual adolescent males involved in a range of drug-using and sexual risk behaviors, including injecting drug use and male prostitution. Some papers examine measurement issues in research on HIV risk behaviors and present a multidimensional conceptual framework, a discussion of the role of qualitative research, and an analysis of issues of reliability and validity of self-reports of risk behaviors. Tables and chapter reference lists


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