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THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1999202/307-0703



WASHINGTON, D.C. -- To help communities establish a comprehensive approach to combat drug use, the Justice Department's Executive Office for Weed and Seed (EOWS), in partnership with the National Guard Bureau, today broadcast a national satellite teleconference to 124 downlink sites in 36 states. The broadcast, "Odyssey 2007 . . . Reducing the Nation's Drug Use," examined the Office of National Drug Control Policy's 1999 National Drug Control Strategy, which set a nationwide goal of cutting drug use in half by 2007.

"Weed and Seed is a comprehensive, interagency approach to solving crime-related problems. This makes it an excellent framework for the kind of comprehensive enforcement, prevention, treatment and aftercare programs that are critical to reducing illegal drug use in our communities," said EOWS Director Stephen Rickman. "My hope is that this teleconference will prompt a renewed effort to work towards the goals set in the National Strategy."

The 1999 National Drug Control Strategy details methods to reduce the nationwide drug abuse through:

The broadcast also spotlighted effective drug treatment efforts, including a medical program administered by the Schick Shadel Hospital in Seattle, WA, that was developed and is supervised by practicing physicians specializing in addiction medicine.

The teleconference reached law enforcement officials, juvenile court officials, substance abuse treatment providers, school leaders and U.S. Attorneys and was also broadcast live on the Law Enforcement Television Network.

Information about the other Weed and Seed programs and conferences is available at Videotapes of the teleconference can be ordered by calling EOWS at 202/616-1152.

Information about other OJP bureaus and program offices is available at Media should contact OJP's Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at 202/307-0703.

The 1999 National Drug Control Strategy and other ONDCP publications, programs and related information is available at or through the Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Box 6000, Rockville, Maryland 20849-6000. The toll-free number is 1-800/666-3332.

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